Hands holding a plastic-shaped earth

What is the UK Plastics Pact?

There is a growing urgency to address the global plastic crisis in a world that is now dominated by a multitude of different environmental concerns.

The UK Plastics Pact is a collaborative commitment that promises to combat the crippling issue of plastic pollution. As plastic waste continues to threaten ecosystems, wildlife and human health, the UK Plastics Pact aims to transform the way we produce, use and dispose of plastic to contribute to a more sustainable way of living.

In this article, we will explore the key elements of the UK Plastics Pact, explore its goals and find out how it plans to reshape the future of plastic consumption and waste management.

What is the UK Plastics Pact?

The UK Plastics Pact is led by WRAP and comprises businesses involved in the plastics value chain and UK governments. They have come together with one main goal; to change the future of plastic, to reduce our collaborative carbon footprint and to ensure a sustainable future.

What are the targets of the UK Plastics Pact?

The UK Plastics Pact has set out its goals that it aims to have met by 2025. These include:

  • 70% of plastic packaging must be either recycled or composted
  • Problematic or unnecessary single-use plastics should be eliminated
  • 30% of plastic packaging must be recycled
  • 100% of plastic packaging must be either reused, recycled or composted

Who has signed up to the UK Plastics Pact?

There are a huge number of businesses that have signed up to the UK Plastics Pact. Many businesses that use plastic within their company are committed to reducing and redirecting their plastic use to be more sustainable. Companies are also keen to sign up to increase their brand awareness and show that they are aiming to make environmental changes.

Companies that have signed up to the UK Plastics Pact include:

logos of companies that have signed up to the UK Plastics Pact

Eliminating problem plastic

There is a common misconception that all plastic is bad. This is simply not the case as long as the plastic in question can be either reused or recycled. The UK Plastics Pact seeks to eliminate 6 problem plastics that are single-use and cannot be recycled. These plastics include:

  • Plastic wrapping used to wrap multi-packs of canned goods, cartons and bottles
  • Single-use plastic sachets
  • Plastic packaging for fruit and vegetables
  • Non-compostable fruit and vegetable stickers
  • Non-compostable tea bags
  • PVC cling film

Re-design of rigid packaging

In the wake of the decision to eliminate single-use plastic wrap, The UK Plastics Pact recognises that rigid plastic packaging is still required to package important products that we buy like consumables. The goal is that all rigid plastic packaging will become part of a circular economy and be kept out of the natural environment.

Plastic bags

It is estimated that a whopping 100 billion pieces of plastic packaging are thrown away every year by UK households.

To prevent this from happening there needs to be a collective effort from supermarkets and other businesses to ensure that these items are recycled and not thrown away to end up in landfill. It is suggested that more collection points should be set up in supermarkets to ensure the proper disposal of plastic bags.

The role of the consumer

To compliment the UK Plastics Pact it is important that consumers do their bit to lower their carbon footprint. There are always ways to improve shopping and lifestyle habits for the benefit of the environment. These include:

  • Use bags for life for shopping and dispose of them at a recycling point when they are no longer needed
  • Avoid buying items using single-use plastic packaging
  • Familiarise yourself with waste labels and know how to dispose of your items correctly
  • Buy local where possible
  • Look for seasonal produce

Use a responsible plastic packing supplier

Industrial polythene is a leading supplier of polythene products. We are proud to offer our range of green packaging solutions to help bring down your carbon footprint and contribute to a more sustainable world.

Contact us today to discuss your packaging needs.

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