What is it?

At Budget 2018 the Government announced they would be bringing in a new plastic packaging tax, due to launch on April 1st 2022.

The tax will apply to plastic packaging produced in, or imported into the UK that does not contain a minimum of 30% Post-Consumer recycled content. This has been announced as being £200/tonne on non PCW products.

Read some FAQs on PCW below or our Guide to the Plastics Packaging Tax 2022.

What is Post-Consumer Waste (PCW) polythene?

Polythene containing a minimum of 30% PCW reduces the consumption of fossil fuels which are used to produce virgin grade PE. It also reduces the amount of packaging waste sent to landfills, which fills the oceans and pollutes the environment.

In doing this process, we all reduce pollution and single use plastics and ultimately increase recycling.

How is this manufactured?

Post-Consumer waste directly refers to polythene that has served its intended original purpose as a consumer item, is then sent to environmental recovery sites, recycled and reused.

When the waste polythene has been collected/recovered it is washed, shredded and re pelletised into a polymer.

In technical terms, this recycled polymer is then used as the middle layer of a co-extruded film. This doesn't impact on performance or functionality of the finished product and offers mechanically the same properties of more conventional mono layered virgin films.

Even after this process, the product is 100% recyclable.

Who is responsible

Uk producers of plastic packaging, importers of plastic packaging, business customers or producers and importers of plastic packaging, and consumers who buy goods in plastic packaging in the UK.

There will be exemptions for producers and importers of small amounts of plastic packaging to mitigate against disproportionate administrative burdens in comparison to tax liability.

General description of the measure
It will not apply to any plastic packaging that contains a minimum of 30 % recycled content or any plastic that is not predominantly plastic by weight.
This tax will provide a very clear economic incentive for businesses to use recycled material in the production of plastic packaging. In turn, this will create greater demand for this PCW material, which will stimulate increased levels of recycling and collection of plastic waste, and divert it away from landfills or incineration.

For the latest and most up to date legislation and law on this visit the link down below:

Industrial Polythene Ltd

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